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16 Sandevja
Nesbyen, Buskerud, 3540


All about mountainbiking and trail building in Hallingdal.

Nesbyen Trail Camp

Nesbyen Trail Camp 2025

Friday May 2nd to Sunday May 4th

Shuttles - Berms - High Five’s and Rock&Roll

We start the gravity riding season with Nesbyen Trail Camp with organised shuttling, demo bikes, food, consert and much more fun.

Festival passes or day passes for the festival can be bought in the kiosk at the festival area.
Map further down.


- 10-17 - Shuttling
- 9:30-17 - Kiosk with tickets and local food
- Demo bikes and stuff from shops
- Afterbike

- 10-17 - Shuttling
- 9:30-17 - Kiosk with tickets and local food
- Demo bikes and stuff from shops
- Afterbike

- Shuttling - 10-16
- Kiosk with tickets and local food - 9:30-16
- Demo bikes and stuff from shops

- You can buy tickets at the festival area.
- Kiosk with hot food, snacks and drinks
- Bike wash and toilets across the street
- Limited parking across the street. Follow signs for loads of parking. Please park in Nesbyen center, at the train station or other places.


Festival passes or day passes can be bought in the kiosk at the festival.


Check out for all options. We recommend Eldhuset og Drengestugu is nice for bikers. Also Hagaled Gjestegård is very vell suited for bikers. The hotell have it’s own booking, the rest you find on

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